Nano-Tec Muscovite ruby mica discs and sheets

Nano-Tec mica discs and sheets are intended for use with scanning probe microscopy, electron microscopy and thin film applications. The Nano-Tec mica offered is the muscovite sheet type or ruby mica in the highest grade V-1 quality. Selected for its excellent cleavability and lack of inclusions or bubbles. It is transparent or translucent with a shade of ruby to pink. Mica is a natural mineral and is mined from various deposits. The density is 2.7-3g/cm3 with the chemical formula Kal3Si3O10(OH)2. The Nano-Tec mica is sourced from one of the highest quality muscovite sheet mica deposits in India.
To use mica, it must be freshly cleaved to produce a clean substrate. The freshly cleaved surfaces are clean, even and atomically  flat surfaces which are ideal for carbon filming,  AFM substrate and thin film applications.
The standard thickness of the Nano-Tec muscovite mica discs and sheets varies from 0.15-0.21mm and yields multiple thinner sheets (0.02mm)  of freshly cleaved mica. Mica cleaves on the <001> plane. Methods of cleaving can be:

  • insert a sharp blade or point into the edge and peel a fresh sheet off
  • place double sided tape on the mica and peel off a thin sheet, starting at the edge.

Mica is a dielectric material, stable in water, inert to most acids, alkalis, solvents and oil. Maximum operating temperature is 500-600°C.

Nano-Tec V-1 grade Muscovite mica discs
Product # Unit
10-018310 Ø10mm 0.15-0.21mm thickness
10-018312 Ø12mm 0.15-0.21mm thickness
10-018315 Ø15mm, 0.15-0.21mm thickness
10-018320 Ø20mm, 0.15-0.21mm thickness
10-018325 Ø25mm, 0.15-0.21mm thickness
Nano-Tec V1 grade Muscovite mica sheets
Product # Unit
10-018305 15x15mm, 0.15-0.21mm thickness
10-018311 25x25mm, 0.15-0.21mm thickness
10-018321 25x50mm, 0.15-0.21mm thickness
10-018322 50x50mm, 0.15-0.21mm thickness
10-018331 25x75mm, 0.15-0.21mm thickness
10-018332 50x75mm, 0.15-0.21mm thickness
10-018334 100x75mm, 0.15-0.21mm thickness
Nano-Tec V-1 grade thicker muscovite mica sheets
Product # Unit
10-018314 25x25mm, 0.25-0.35mm thickness
10-018316 25x25mm, 0.50-0.60mm thickness
10-018365 160x120mm, 0.20-0.50mm thickness

Visual grading classification system description for sheet mica

The quality of muscovite mica is determined by visual inspection according to ASTM D351-571 from the highest  quality V1 to the V12 (V-10A)

  1. V-1: Clear – Hard, of uniform colour, nearly flat, free of all stains, foreign inclusion, cracks, and other similar defects.
  2. V-2: Clear and Slightly Stained – Hard, of uniform color, nearly flat and may contain slight crystallographic discoloration, and very slight air inclusions in not more than one fourth of the usable area.
  3. V-3: Fair Stained – Hard, of uniform color, may contain slight waves, slight crystallographic discoloration, and sligh air inclusions in not more than one-half of the usable area.
  4. V-4: Good Stained – Hard, of uniform color, may contain medium waves slight crystallographic discoloration, and medium air inclusion in not more than two-third of the usable area.
  5. V-5: Stained A Quality – Hard, may contain medium air inclusions, uniformly distributed in the usable area; slight green vegetable stains, medium waviness, and heavy waves if specified.
  6. V-6: Stained B Quality – Hard, may contain heavy air inclusions and heavy waves, medium green vegetable stains, slight black and red dots (mineral) and clay stains.
  7. V-7: Heavy Stained – Hard, and may contain heavy air inclusions and waves, slight light black and red dots (mineral), medium cloudy stains, clay stains and green stains (vegetable). Soft, buckles, ridges, and sand blast acceptable if specified.
  8. V-7A: Densely Stained – Hard and soft. May contain heavy waves and air inclusions, cloudy stains. High black and red dots (mineral). Medium black and red stained (mineral), buckles, and ridges. Also, green stain (vegetable type), clay stains, herringbones, and sand blast.
  9. V-8: Black Dotted – Hard, may contain medium waves, heavy air inclusions, cloudy stains, light black and red dots (mineral), and green stains (vegetable).
  10. V-9: Black Spotted – Hard, may contain medium waves, heavy air inclusions, cloudy stains, light black and red dots (mineral), and green stains (vegetable type), slight black stains (mineral), and sand blast.
  11. V-10: Black Stained – Hard, may contain medium waves, heavy air inclusions, cloudy stains, light black and red dots (mineral), green stains (vegetable type), and sand blast, medium black stains (mineral), slight red stains (mineral), and clay stains.
  12. V-10A: Densely Black and Red Stained – Hard, may contain heavy waves, air inclusion, cloudy stains, light black and red dots (mineral), red stains (mineral), black and red stains (mineral), green stains (vegetable type), and sand blast, very dense black and red stains (mineral), and slight clay stains. Soft if specified.

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