Correlative Microscopy in Life and Materials Sciences

November 6th – 7th, 2017
Aula Bovet
Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome

organized by

Istituto Superiore di Sanità – ISS and Italian Society for Microscopical Sciences – SISM

Aim and objectives

The conference aims to update participants on innovative microscopic equipment which, by correlating the various features of optical and electron microscopy, can maximize the potential applications of morphological and ultrastructural methods.  The conference will address the limits  of sample preparation, the optimization of image processing, and the critical analysis of experimental results with different materials.


Roberto Balboni  National Research Council – IMM, Bologna, Italy

Edoardo Bemporad  University “Rome III”, Rome, Italy

Luca Boarino  National Institute of Metrological Research, Turin, Italy

Annarica Calcabrini  Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy

Katia Cortese  University of Genoa, Italy

Marco Crescenzi  Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy

Alberto Diaspro  Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, Italy

Elisabetta Falcieri  University of Urbino, Italy

Maura Francolini  University of Milan, Italy

Mauro Gemmi  Italian Institute of Technology, Pisa, Italy

Bruno M. Humbel  University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Lars-Oliver Kautschor  Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany

Emine Korkmaz  Fei-Thermo Fisher, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Andy Yarwood  Jeol, London, United Kingdom

Matteo Mariani  Media System Lab, Monza, Italy

Alexandre A. Mironov  Institute of Molecular Oncology, Milan, Italy

Agnese Molinari   Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy

Amelia Montone  Research Center ENEA, Rome, Italy

Luca Ortolani  National Research Council – IMM, Bologna, Italy

Roman Polishchuk  Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Naples, Italy

Francesca Sbrana  Schaefer SEE, Genoa, Italy

Annarita Stringaro  Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy

Vratislav Kostal   Tescan, Brno, Czech Republic

Frederic Leroux  Leica Microsystems, Germany

Alberto Luini  National Research Council, Naples, Italy

Manuela Malatesta  University of Verona, Italy

Daniela Uccelletti  University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy

Marco Vittori Antisari  NanoItaly Association, Rome, Italy

Stefania Meschini
+39 06 49902783 –
National Center for Drug Research and Evaluation
Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

Maria Condello
+39 06 49903610 –
National Center for Drug Research and Evaluation
Istituto Superiore di Sanità

Evelin Pellegrini
+39 06 49902783 –
National Center for Drug Research and Evaluation
Istituto Superiore di Sanità

Sara Salucci
+ 39 0722 304248 –
Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”

Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Aula Bovet, Viale Regina Elena 299 – 00161 Rome, Italy
Target audience:
biologists, medical doctors, physicists, engineers, researchers and technicians.
Maximun number of participants: 90
ECM credits: NO

Paola Ruggeri
+ 39 06 49904250 –
National Center for Drug Research and Evaluation
Istituto Superiore di Sanità

Laura Toccacieli
+39 06 49903406 –
National Center for Drug Research and Evaluation
Istituto Superiore di Sanità

Giuseppe Formisano
+39 06 49902783 –
National Center for Drug Research and Evaluation
Istituto Superiore di Sanità

This congress is organized with the unconditioned contributions of:


Monday, November 6th

08.30 Registration
09.00 Opening Ceremony
Prof. Walter Ricciardi, ISS President
Dr. Patrizia Popoli, ISS, Director of National Center for Drug Research and Evaluation
Prof. Elisabetta Falcieri, SISM President
Dr. Stefania Meschini, ISS Scientific Coordinator of the event


09.30 Correlative microscopy: principles and application potential
Chairs: Marco Vittori, Elisabetta Falcieri
09.30 Keynote Lecture
Correlative light and electron microscopy in biology
Bruno M. Humbel
10.00 Applications for 3D characterization in the life sciences. Illumination correlative research using light, X-ray, and electron microscopy
Lars-Oliver Kautschor
10.20 Correlative imaging workflows across scales: a powerful approach for cell and tissue studies
Emine Korkmaz
10.40 Coffee break
11.10 Investigating cancer cell behaviour using correlative imaging by holographic microscopy and FIB-SEM tomography
Vratislav Kostal
11.30 An analytical journey from 4D live cell imaging to scanning electron microscopy.
Fast, reliable and trust worthy
Matteo Mariani
11.50 New solutions for correlative microscopy
Andy Yarwood
12.10 Preparation workflows for correlation microscopy
Frederic Leroux
12.30 3D holotomographic microscopy opens new era for label-free live cell imaging
Francesca Sbrana
12.50 Discussion
13.00 Lunch


14.15 Correlative microscopy applications in materials sciences
Chairs: Amelia Montone, Roberto Balboni
14.15 Keynote Lecture
Correlative microscopy as a powerful tool for coupling structural compositional and functional properties
Edoardo Bemporad
14.45 A case study of correlative approach to 3D microscopy: the silicon nanowires
Luca Boarino
15.05 Curvature driven nanoparticles decoration of graphene membranes
Luca Ortolani
15.25 Evaluation of antimycotic activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles by correlative microscopy
Daniela Uccelletti
15.45 Selected Talks
16.05 Discussion

Tuesday, November 7th


09.00 Correlative microscopy applications in life sciences
Chairs: Agnese Molinari, Marco Crescenzi
09.00 Keynote Lecture
Correlative microscopy in biomedicine: from the slow beginning decades ago to the rapidly expanding leading edge of today
Alberto Luini
09.30 Correlative electron microscopy in modern bio-medical research
Roman Polishchuk
10.00 Compatibility of correlative light and electron microscopy with three-dimensional and quantitative analysis in biology
Alexandre A. Mironov
10.30 Correlative X-ray micro tomography and TEM microscopy on biological samples for the study of complex pathologies
Mauro Gemmi
10.50 Discussion
11.10 Coffee break


11.30 Correlative microscopy applications in life sciences
Chairs: Annarica Calcabrini, Annarita Stringaro
11.30 Keynote Lecture
The extraordinary microscope: multimodal and correlative approaches in nanomedicine
Alberto Diaspro
12.00 3D HDO-CLEM: cellular compartment analysis by correlative light-electron microscopy on cryosections
Katia Cortese
12.20 New tools and protocols for correlative microscopy application to biomedical research
Maura Francolini
12.40 Visualizing fluorochrome-labelled nanoparticles and fluorescent free molecules at transmission electron microscopy by diaminobenzidine photo-oxidation
Manuela Malatesta
13.00 Discussion and Closing Remarks
13.30 Lunch


14.45 A case study of correlative approach to 3D microscopy: the silicon nanowires
Luca Boarino
15.05 Curvature driven nanoparticles decoration of graphene membranes
Luca Ortolani
15.25 Evaluation of antimycotic activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles by correlative microscopy
Daniela Uccelletti
15.45 Selected Talks
16.05 Discussion





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